Remember to Breathe

Go ahead and breathe

You’d be surprised how much holding your breath and forgetting to breathe limits you. It stifles your ability to move, to react, to think clearly.

Lots of things will cause you not to breathe. The majority, however, aren’t material.

Fear makes you hold your breath. So do uncertainty, concern, anticipation, excitement, and other emotions both good and bad.

How can you tell you’re not really breathing?

There is no single answer to this. Not breathing will impact different people in different ways. But in my experience, these are the signs:

  • You lose focus, perspective, and understanding
  • Your anxiety or depression spikes
  • You become confused and frustrated easily
  • Simple things and routines seem hard to do
  • Your reaction time is shot to hell
  • You feel like you are suffocating/drowning (not literally)

Here’s the thing. It’s not that you aren’t breathing. But you are either holding your breath, being stingy with your air intake, or simply not breathing deeply enough.

All the above tend to make people anxious.

What causes you not to breathe

There tend to be four things that cause you not to breathe:

  • Big picture, collective consciousness issues

The big picture is splattered all over the internet. It’s politics, economics, religious and ethnic strife, nationalism, and so forth.

  • Ongoing issues with other people

Ongoing issues tend to involve family, work, social interactions, and other expectations of outside people.

  • Unexpected happenings

Unexpected happenings are stressors like car accidents, severe thunderstorms, fires, wars, and other matters that simply occur. You have no control – and you know it.

  • Your doubts, fears, and uncertainties

Finally – there are your doubts, fears, uncertainties, self-esteem issues, and the like that spring up from within you.

Make time for breathing

All you need is two minutes now and then to breathe better.

How does this work?

First – Sit comfortably, but in a way that doesn’t compress your chest and diaphragm. Best to keep your back straight.

Second – Set a timer for 2 minutes. Really – do this.

Third – Start the timer.

Fourth – Breathe in. Take as deep a breath as you can – preferably take that breath from the diaphragm. Breathe out and release it fully. Repeat the deep intake of breath followed by its release. Repeat until the timer alerts you that time is up.

Fifth – Repeat the above steps at different times throughout the day as necessary.

Make a habit of this and see how much your sense of wellbeing improves. I believe it’s a worthwhile pursuit.

Go ahead and breathe.


Thank you for joining me for Awareness for Everyone and sharing in this exploration of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and email me at, or follow me via Instagram and Twitter at mjblehart, and on Facebook at blehartmj. Thank you to Fe Mahoney, the superb artist who created my cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, email her at and check out her Etsy shop – taliasinspirations. Please visit my blogs, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at, my articles on as MJ Blehart, and my various published books on Amazon. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how awareness for everyone begins with you – and really is something that you can practice to live more fully and improve your life.
